About Us

About Us

We are a young management consultant company.
Founded in 2020. But we are motivated with smart and capable leaders.
We engage in corporate management consulting, investment risk management, government consulting, personal quality management consulting services.
Regardless of the field, we all have sense of competitiveness and forward-looking mindset. This is our strength.

Management of the Leading National Team

Marvel Ng

Dylan Ho Boon Leng 何文龙

Management of the Leading National Team

Marvel Ng

Graduated from USA – Asia Pacific International University (Year 2000)
International Business Management (MBA)

member of the government service user committee member.

a)   On the corporate perspective:
Marvel Ng has 20 years of international business management experience, who is especially knowledgeable in contractor projects and has certain level in strategy research with relevance to Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

He also has experience in foreign investment risk.
E.g.: Myanmar, Laos, China.

Currently, he is Artist House and Wonderful Consultancy & Education Services Managing Director.

b) In terms of personal consulting:

In 1996, Marvel Ng studied Wisdom System, which focused on how human wisdom is formed and how it is used.

Its research purpose is to enable:

(i) Improving people’s rational thinking.
(ii) People not to make mistakes lightly.
(iii) People more aware of themselves and understand their insignificance.
(iv) Knowing how to respect and bond with others.
(v) Have love for others.
(vi) Eventually, to make oneself happy.
(vii) Eventually, to succeed in one’s personality and career.

In 2021, this research has made a breakthrough after 25 years, which can be said a huge accomplishment.

Our company is young, but all the results and experience were 25 years of accumulation, in which, filled with blood and tears. Beyond words.

Therefore, we are excellent.

May you believe in us.

Dylan Ho Boon Leng 何文龙

Graduated from Oxford University (UK)
Major in Engineering and IT, Master’s degree.
Professional Diploma in Accounting and Finance.
He is also an enterprise risk management consultant.

Below is his resume:

Managing Director, JQ Business Consultancy & Communications (2020-Now)

  • Data analysis and business modeling to meet different business needs
  • Provide consultancy services to business with respect to their data management, reporting and business optimization

Head of Business Intelligence, Agility Digital (2Y, 2019-2020)

  • Led a multi-national and multicultural team of 5 persons from 2 different regional offices and in charge of all affairs related to business analytics and reporting
  • Concerned with all analysis related to the conversion funnel, that is, the journey of converting prospective online customers to first time buyers and then retaining them to keep buying our services
  • Most of the data extraction and reporting are done via SQL & Tableau with the occasional use of R and Python for less BAU type analysis
  • Provides performance assessment and training for all team members

Associate Director, PwC Consulting (1Y, 2016-2017)

  • Director of valuations team in charge of challenging, reviewing and signing off all derivative valuations as well as market risk-related assignments.
  • PwC audit team generally outsources its client’s derivative portfolio to the consulting valuation team for independent price verification including data, model and final price validation. Besides conducting typical audit-related IPV, valuation team also receives assignments to assess clients’ valuation practices.
  • Derivatives valued (in order of regularity descending): Interest rate swaps, FX swaps, currency swaps, barrier options, accumulators, range accruals, convertible bonds, etc. Most of the valuation was performed directly using Bloomberg, occasionally, the more exotic ones were performed via VBA.
  • Other related assignments: CVA/DVA assessment.
  • Non-audit assignments: market risk FRTB, credit risk for IFRS9.

Principal Consultant, Oliver Wyman (1Y, 2014-2015)

  • Advise C-suite and business unit heads of top banks and securities firms from Asia Pacific on a broad range of risk management topics – risk strategy and appetite, stress testing, risk capital charging, credit risks, market risks, XVA, to name a few.
  • Landmark projects include:
  • Project manager for investment hurdle rates model for sovereign wealth fund.
  • Project manager for strategic planning and monitoring for Chinese investment bank.
  • Project manager for market due diligence for top online asset manager in China.

Senior Manager, Risk Management, Ernst & Young Advisory Ltd (1Y, 2013-2014)

  • Perform Basel market risk Pillar 2 compliance for a major HK commercial bank.
  • Derivative models from vendor systems were replicated from scratch on VBA to within 1% pricing accuracy. A huge challenge due to need for exact replication and multiple pricing systems and asset classes.
  • Derivatives replicated were mostly currency swaps, interest swaps, FX swaps, barrier options and across all asset classes.

Senior Quantitative Analyst, Noble Resources Ltd (3Y, 2010-2013)

  • Senior developer for a commodity credit risk system to capture potential future exposures (credit risks) of Noble’s counterparties.
  • System measures exposures for a comprehensive range of vanilla and exotic commodity trades till maturity on a netting set level.
  • Designed and implemented a firm-wide strategy to measure counterparty risks embedded within Noble’s OTC trades.
  • Coded derivative pricing library for a large range of commodity derivatives such as basis swaps, spread options, swaps, European and American options, etc. Utilized analytical formulas as well as full MC simulations and full consideration for netting as well as collateral posting requirements.
  • Most models are based either on lognormal or mean reversion processes.
  • Coordinated different business units such as treasury, finance, risks and front offices to consolidate trading positions and margin information.
  • Other supporting role – Modeling support to traders and risk managers
  • Provided real option pricing of different commodity types such as base metals, agriculture and carbon credit. NB: Most of the commodity projects underwritten by Noble can be structured as some of derivative option due to the various optionality clauses.

Manager, Risk Management, Ernst & Young Advisory Ltd (2Y, 2008-2010)

  • Project manager for many Basel II-related projects for banks.
  • Landmark projects include:
  • Led a team to develop stress tests to assess capital requirements and impact on financial statements under Basel II Pillar 2 ICAAP requirements using economic capital framework for major Chinese bank.
  • Develop corporate scorecards for large state-owned bank covering industries such as manufacturing and wholesales and retail which are 2 of the most important industry segment in China.

Quantitative Analyst, Investment Technology Group (2Y, 2006-2008)

  • Modeler, developer and technical sales manager to execution traders and portfolio managers.
  • Developed cash equity risk models for APAC stock markets using structural models based on geographical/industry framework.
  • Produced covariance matrices and respective loadings for different stocks used by quantitative portfolio managers and traders for portfolio rebalancing and trade exec
  • Developed the data model for algorithmic trading engine encompassing many details in relation to the microstructures of different stock markets.
  • Developed trading applications integrating in-house equity transaction cost models and trade algorithms to be used by traders.

Audit, Ernst & Young, HK (1Y, 2005-2006)

  • Member of valuation team. Derivatives priced included options, range accruals, swaptions, credit-linked derivatives, worst-of call options, etc.

Systems Engineer, Defence Science Agency, Singapore (2Y, 2001-2004)

  • Developed Monte Carlo models for simulating war scenarios

Academic/Professional Qualifications

2007-2011, MSc in Financial Mathematics, City University with Paris Dauphine University

2003-2005, ACCA

1997-2001, 1st Class, Engineering & Computer Science, Oxford University

  • Case

Singapore’s Offshore Floating Area Plan

15-20 years ago, Marvel Ng once emailed Reach.gov polling team and provided this suggestion. This proposal was accepted by the Singapore government a few years ago and experts were invited to carry out the study. This plan has a very far-reaching impact on a country’s politics, territory, economy, population, and market. I am grateful that the Government accepted this discussion.

Marvel Ng is a member of the government service user committee member.

Our company is young, but all the results and experience were 25 years of accumulation, in which, filled with blood and tears. Beyond words.

Therefore, we are excellent. May you believe in us.

在中文顾客的世界, 我是你唯一的选择。

咨询顾问指导公司管理、财务、人力资源、市场营销和技术,解决问题并改进流程。他们可以独立工作, 研究、建议并提供持续支持。成功的顾问需要与客户良好的沟通、批判性思维和协作技能。


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